On Fri, 24 Jan 2014, in the Usenet newsgroup linux.redhat, in article
<2648d671-68f8-409c-96d0-***@googlegroups.com>, Bill wrote:
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Post by BillI am trying to install an customized rpm package. The installation
libcrypto.so.6()(64bit) is needed
In the system there is /usr/lib64/libcrypto.so.10
-rw-r--r-- 1 gferg users 44071 Oct 10 2008 RPM-HOWTO
although it actually is from September 2002. You should have a long
look at the man page (man rpm). "rpm" does not look at the system
to see what files you have hidden here/there/everywhere - it's a
package manager, and it looks at a database to see what _packages_
it has installed, and compares that to what the rpm you are trying to
install requires. Thus, if you run the command
rpm -qpR /path/to/name.of.rpm.you.want.to.install.rpm
it will list what that package wants installed BEFORE you can install
it. In the old days, this was called "dependency-hell" because
package A wanted package B, but that needed package C and D, which
required something else, and so on.
Post by BillBut it seems we cannot fool the OS by simply create a softlink. I
think the newer version should have the functions in the old version.
Has nothing to do with the system - it's totally package manager. If
you run "rpm -qf /usr/lib64/libcrypto.so.10", it will tell you what
package ``owns'' that file - you probably need to update that package
You _MAY_ be able to work around the package manager by using the
"--nodeps" option to install it, but you may also horribly break your
system doing that. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. You DO have backups, right?
You can use rpm to find out what is in the package you want to install
by "rpm -qpl /path/to/name.of.rpm.you.want.to.install.rpm" so you have
an idea what might get stomped on.
Old guy